Design Dilemmas - 5 Signs You've Got Renovation Fatigue

Overseeing a major home renovation involves a lot of decision-making... and I mean A LOT! I've been through so many home renovation projects and even with an amazing builder (like the one's I use in my kitchen renovation projects), you'll still have to make a mountain of decisions about your home decor. They're kinda fun at first... exciting even.

So many choices…

So many choices…

You're making progress, then you have to choose the location of lighting, outlets, paint shades, furniture, counter or bar height kitchen island, window treatments, flooring… still doesn’t sound too bad? But here’s the thing, there are a ton of options out there for each and every one of your decisions. How do you know you’re making the right choices?

It’s enough to make an experienced designer's head spin! Let alone someone on their very first home renovation. So how do you make it through the process without renovation fatigue creeping in? Here's some signs you need to take step back before renovation fatigue causes serious damage to your home decor dreams.

The following things are common to experience during what I refer to as ‘renovation fatigue’

1. Sourcing the Wrong Advice

You start asking for (then even worse, listening to) opinions about your home renovation from anyone and everyone you speak too…your boss, your school run friends , your family and then when your cat starts telling you to go with the hanging chandelier over the flush mount pendant - that’s it, you know you’ve got it - renovation fatigue.

2. Endless Indecision

You dream about decisions - you go to bed thinking, ‘Yes! A great day moving forward with the interior design!’ You decided on the light switches, the location of the ceiling pendants, and even the type of windows to use but now you are going to bed and can not escape all those decisions yet to be made. Whatsmore you know there's more to decide and now you can’t sleep (yep, renovation fatigue mixed with just normal fatigue)

3. Dreams Turn to Reality

At the start of this renovation project were big design dreams…BIG. But then when you discover it involves, you guessed it, a ridiculous amount of decisions and planning and thought and your thoughts are running low. So you change your mind on your big design dreams. By the way is minimalist still in? Renovation Fatigue.

4.The Budget Issue

You can’t go on holiday this year because you spent that money on tester pots. So many tester pots. In search of the one perfect shade, you find yourself trying loads of colours, with each one more promising than the next. Or is it just creating more decisions to be made??!! Ugh, renovation fatigue.

5. Throwing in the Towel

You thought you would ‘curate’ your home by styling your interiors with bits and pieces from different shops but end up exhausted (renovation fatigue) and buy everything in one clean swoop! Looks just like the John Lewis showroom, “don’t care, just get it done”. Oh, and you say those words a lot now..’don’t care, just get it done!’

So I have to ask, have you experienced renovation fatigue? I have…I’ll tell you about my grout story in another blog.

How to avoid it?

Well I've got just one piece of advice to instantly rescue you from the impending doom of your home renovation spiralling from a dream home with awe inspiring interiors and be the envy of the neighbourhood to a home where you compromise every detail for fear of making the wrong decision. I'm sure you can guess what it is... Call me. Yes it is that simple. As an interior designer I can curate your ideas to create your dream home with ease and grace.

If you’re about to embark on a renovation of your own, contact me, then make sure you sign up to receive my next blog where I will be addressing how to prevent Renovation Fatigue (as you can see, it’s a thing!). Hint: It’s not something you have heard before!

Sign up below so you don’t miss out.

I read all my emails, each and every one…please contact me anytime and maybe I can help you or at the very least I can discuss it on my blog.


Interior Design Ideas to Beat Renovation Fatigue


Design Dilemmas - A Furniture Choice Gone Wrong