What do my clients say?

Click here to watch a summary of our recent client testimonials. More below.

Rooms in Lindsay’s house had become more of a dumping ground than useful spaces…

Rhona needed help keeping her large home design on track…

Vic struggled with how to design her new, larger home…

Rhona needed help keeping her large home design on track…

Melissa was downsizing and wanted to make sure she made the most of her new but smaller home.

Louise needed help to plan out a space that was too big to design itself.

Sandra wanted to create some ‘wow’ factor for a grown up living room space while providing input into the final look and feel.

Erica struggled to get her long, narrow living room feeling comfortable and functional for her family...

Jane moved into her partner’s home and wanted some help merging styles to create a space for both her and her partner to enjoy.

Julie needed help coordinating her kitchen renovation with her living and dining room areas…

Bernie felt overwhelmed by what could be done with her new home and wanted to make sure she got it right…

Heather wasn't sure about her style and wanted to get it right before her renovations started...

Karen worried she would make her room look to 'matchy-matchy' and wanted it to look pulled together (like a chic hotel room) instead...

Kirsty was nervous about spending money with me but found our time together ‘invaluable’…

Stella hadn’t decorated in 10 years and was embarrassed to have people over…

Rita needs help staying grounded for her whole home renovation and redecoration…

Viola followed through with our design advice and now LOVES her newly renovation rooms.

Anna needed help injecting style into her house and was pleasantly surprised by how much we achieved during our service…

Diane was moving from a small flat to a large house and needed help with layout and furniture selection...

Suzanne was unsure of what design would work in her quirky kitchen space.

Jess was overwhelmed with getting the finishing touches (paint colours, art, etc...) that really turn a house into a home...

Bernadette spent time and money decorating in the past and it never turned out that great...

Cheryl is working with an architect on plans for a family home and wants to make sure it’s designed well before the work begins…

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